Monday, March 13, 2017


By Lizzie K. Foley
My Rating ★★★★★

I loved it! It's about a girl named Jane who lives in a town called Remarkable where everybody and everything is remarkable......except for Jane and her Grandpa John, who are not remarkable at all.

Jane lives with her dad Anderson Brigby Bright Doe II (an award-winning novelist), her mom Angelina Mona Linda Doe (a famous architect), her older brother Anderson Brigby Bright Doe the III (a photo-realistic painter), and her younger sister Penelope Hope Adelaide Catalina (a mathematician). One day, Jane becomes friends with a pirate Captain named Rojo Herring.

In Remarkable, everyone goes to the Remarkable's  School for the Remarkably Gifted, except Jane because she isn't gifted at anything...... she's just a plain Jane Doe. She goes to the regular public school where she is the only student. That is, until the Grimlet twins get suspended from the school for the Remarkably Gifted and have to go to the regular public school.

 Eddie and Melissa Grimlet are very mischievous and are always writing and planning their new tricks in their book of Dangerous Deeds and Dastardly Intentions. They cause a lot of  chaos and they even get their new teacher, Ms Schnabel, to teach piracy and turn the classroom into a pirate ship with a wheel and plank.

More things happen in the book, but you'll have to read it to find out for yourself.  I would recommend this book for all girls ages 10-13, but I don't know if boys will like it. It seems like girls read books about boys and girls, but boys read books about boys...... the main character in Remarkable is a girl (Jane).