Wednesday, June 14, 2017


I love horses and recently I've started collecting model horses. Here are the ones I have so far.

In order these are Snow and Sprinkle

This is Flash

Then there is Patch, Smokey, Goldie, Fury,

Princess, Knight Mare, and Storm.

The brown one is Dusty.

The Palomino is Sunny and the colt is Samson.

The big one is Misty and the foal is Starlight.

The big one is Champion and the filly that's laying down is Daisy, and the black foal is Shadow.

The pony in the back is Oreo.

The pony in the back is Sandy and the palomino in the front is Buttercup.

The one in the back is Delilah and the one in the front is Spot.

These are the biggest ones I have, their names are Midnight and Moonlight.

These are the ones I haven't named yet: