Sunday, September 3, 2017


I started a new hobby this summer.....acrylic painting!!  It's been so fun, I just LOVE it.  One day I was on youtube minding my own business and I just stumbled upon a video and I thought, "hmm..."  I watched it and I was like, "Hmm..."  And then I tried it and I was like, "HMM..." and I really liked it.  I clicked to where I could see all of her videos and she had a ton.  They all looked really great.  So I gave it a try and soon I was painting!  The videos explain things very good and step by step so that anyone can paint.      

This is my first painting.  
It's a rainbow tree on a hill.
Click on it to see it better.
I painted it on just a large sheet of mixed media paper, because I forgot we had a bunch of canvases in different sizes that my brother no longer wanted.  The rest of my paintings I painted on canvas. 

I used Colore' Acrylic Paint and used Q-tips to make the leaves.

I think it turned out good for my first painting.  I'll be showing you more soon!


James and the Giant Peach
By Roald Dahl
My Rating ★★★★☆

I liked it, it's about a boy named James who goes to live on top of a hill with his two aunts after his parents died. Their names are Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge and he is not allowed to leave the hill. After living with his aunts for three years a man gives him a bag full of tiny green things, but then James fell and spilled them on the ground by an old peach tree that hasn't grown a peach for years. Soon after, a peach starts to grow from the tree and it keeps getting bigger and bigger until it's the size of a house and Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge start charging people to come look at it while James is locked in his room. Later when everyone leaves he's sent outside to pick up garbage but instead he goes to the peach and he discovers a hole near the bottom of the peach. He then crawls through the hole up to the center of the peach and he goes through a door and he enters into the peach stone to find a bunch of huge bugs that can talk. There is a ladybug, a centipede, a spider, an earth worm and some others. James becomes friends with the bugs and he stays and  sleeps in the middle of the peach. In the morning they take off rolling down the hill. If you want to find out what happens to James and his friends then you'll have to read the book. I borrowed the movie from the library, but I watched like 5 minutes of it and I didn't like it at all. The book was much better.
~ Shawnee


By Brian Jacues
My Rating ★★★★☆

I liked it, it is about a mouse named Matthias that wants to be like Martin, a mighty warrior who died long ago. He gets his chance when Redwall is under attack by Cluny the Scourge and his horde. Cluny is a terrible rat with one eye and he uses his tail for a whip and he wants Redwall for himself. Matthias has to solve a puzzle to be able to get Martins mighty sword. On the way he befriends a sparrow named Warbeak who helps him. 

If you want to know what happens you'll have to read it to find out.