Sunday, September 3, 2017


I started a new hobby this summer.....acrylic painting!!  It's been so fun, I just LOVE it.  One day I was on youtube minding my own business and I just stumbled upon a video and I thought, "hmm..."  I watched it and I was like, "Hmm..."  And then I tried it and I was like, "HMM..." and I really liked it.  I clicked to where I could see all of her videos and she had a ton.  They all looked really great.  So I gave it a try and soon I was painting!  The videos explain things very good and step by step so that anyone can paint.      

This is my first painting.  
It's a rainbow tree on a hill.
Click on it to see it better.
I painted it on just a large sheet of mixed media paper, because I forgot we had a bunch of canvases in different sizes that my brother no longer wanted.  The rest of my paintings I painted on canvas. 

I used Colore' Acrylic Paint and used Q-tips to make the leaves.

I think it turned out good for my first painting.  I'll be showing you more soon!

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