Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Here's my third art journal page.  I get most of my art journal page ideas from youtube.

These are the supplies I used: 

First I stuck down some of Tim Holtz tissue paper using gel medium. Then I used blue and green metallic paint for the background. Next I put some dots here and there using Tim Holtz dot fade stencil and Whipped Spackle. After that I cut out some clouds and two birds and then I glued them to the page. Next I colored the birds and did some highlighting and shading. Then I stamped the quote "refuse to be average, let your heart soar as high as it will".

I have a lot of fun making my art journal pages.  Maybe you can try it too.  If you do, I hope you'll have fun!

                  ~ SHAWNEE

Monday, February 6, 2017


A Single Shard
By Linda Sue Park
My Rating ★★★★★

I loved it. It's about a boy named Tree-ear who is an orphan. He lives under a bridge with his friend Crane-man, who has taken care of him his whole life. Then one day he gets a job working for a potter named Min. He mostly just chops wood or goes and gets clay, but he has a dream to make a pot. Then one day Tree-ear has to go to Songdo to show emissary Kim Min's work in hopes that he will give Min a royal commission. On his journey there something tragic happens to the pots so he only has a single shard to show emissary Kim.

If you want to know the rest than you'll have to read it.


Wednesday, February 1, 2017


My mom took some easy recipes and made them color coded so its easier to understand so I can make these things by myself. This one is banana bread.  

In a small bowl you stir together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. set aside. 
Then in a mixing bowl you cream together the sugar, and butter with an electric mixer until blended.
Then add the eggs or egg replacer (which is what we use because I have a brother who is allergic to eggs) and the milk to the sugar and butter mixture. 
mix until smooth.
Then you need raisins:
and bananas:
Mash the bananas (riper/darker skinned bananas are better).
Alternately add the mashed bananas and the flour mixture into the sugar/butter/egg/milk mixture like this.
 Then you stir in the raisins with a spoon:
Pour batter into a lightly buttered loaf pan:
 Sometimes spills happen:
 Spread the batter and bake at 350 for the time it says on the recipe:
 The clean up isn't very fun:
 But it's worth it:
Here is the color coded recipe. Click on it to enlarge it.