Wednesday, February 1, 2017


My mom took some easy recipes and made them color coded so its easier to understand so I can make these things by myself. This one is banana bread.  

In a small bowl you stir together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. set aside. 
Then in a mixing bowl you cream together the sugar, and butter with an electric mixer until blended.
Then add the eggs or egg replacer (which is what we use because I have a brother who is allergic to eggs) and the milk to the sugar and butter mixture. 
mix until smooth.
Then you need raisins:
and bananas:
Mash the bananas (riper/darker skinned bananas are better).
Alternately add the mashed bananas and the flour mixture into the sugar/butter/egg/milk mixture like this.
 Then you stir in the raisins with a spoon:
Pour batter into a lightly buttered loaf pan:
 Sometimes spills happen:
 Spread the batter and bake at 350 for the time it says on the recipe:
 The clean up isn't very fun:
 But it's worth it:
Here is the color coded recipe. Click on it to enlarge it.


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