Saturday, December 3, 2016


One day (after about 6 months of needle knitting) me and my mom went to a Knitting Extravaganza.  It was all day long and we had to listen to speakers talk about how wool is made and other stuff. But then we got to go shopping and the very first booth we went to we saw a knitted fairy sitting on the table. It was so cooool!! We picked it up and examined it carefully. We saw that there were only TWO books on how to make these knitted fairy's, and one lady already took one of the books but we got the last one!! It's called Knitted Fairies to Cherish and Charm by Fiona McDonald.  It has 10 knitted fairies in it.
(here it is):

When we got home I got started right away 
but it took me 3 tries because I didn't have the right size knitting needles.  I didn't think it mattered, but apparently it did because the first time it turned out too small and the second time it turned out too big. I was determined to not give up, and the third time it turned out perfect!! Once I finally got it right it took me two weeks to make the fairy.
Here is the first two tries and the finished fairy (this fairy is called The Rainbow Dream Fairy):

The hardest part was probably the needle sculpting of the face.  I think it turned out pretty good.  If you like knitting, I think you'll like this book.  It takes a lot of time to make, but it's so awesome when you're done.  I hope to make more of the fairies when I have time.  I liked the book so much that we got several other books by Fiona McDonald.  One of them is Babes in the Wool:

  Instead of fairies they are girls, and they are a lot bigger.  The body, without the legs, is almost the same height of the entire fairy.  I've started knitting the girl named Willow.  It's taking me A LOT of time.  I'll do another blog post about her once I'm finished.  


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