Saturday, November 26, 2016


Remember theeeeeeese......
My mom calls it every mothers nightmare!!
Remember when the Rainbow Loom was popular?
It's that loom that you put little colored rubber bands on and you make bracelets. What does this have to do with how I learned to knit you ask?
Well I'll tell you. Sit back and relax with your hot chocolate because it's time for a story!!!!

Once upon a time my mom got me a Rainbow Loom, a bunch of little rubber bands to go with it, and a case to put it all in.
(Here it is):
I would make bracelets every day.  I must of made about a 100. One time I even made a unicorn!! 
And then one day when I was looking for new bracelet ideas on my favorite website I stumbled upon a video about how to knit baby hats on a round loom. I had never heard of or seen a round loom before and I thought it looked really fun. So my mom did some research and liked it, so she bought me a round loom set and some yarn at Michaels.
I couldn't wait for the package to arrive.
And then one day it finally came!!! And I was sooooooo exited and I opened the box and got to work on my first hat.
(Here is my hat and looms):

So after a few months of knitting on my round loom my mom signed me up for a community ed class called Beginning Knitting.  It was with needles!!!
I didn't want to go. Why do I need to learn how to needle knit? Needle knitting looks hard. I'm not gonna like it. All these things I said to myself, but it didn't change the fact that I had to go (my mom wouldn't take no for an answer!).
And I'm glad I did go!!!!

When we got there I noticed I was the only kid there. It was just me, my mom (my mom wasn't learning how to knit because she had a broken arm), three other ladies and my knitting teacher.
We had to knit a scarf.  My teacher Amy taught me how to cast on, knit, and purl (on night 1)
and I started needle knitting my first scarf!
It was surprisingly easy and a lot of fun!!
After we went home and Amy gave us all a pattern (or a recipe as my mom calls it) on how to knit a beginners scarf.  I remember that it took me many hours that week to knit that scarf.  I would knit and knit and knit and then measure it, and it never seemed to grow!  But I didn't give up.  I followed the pattern and by the time we had to go to the next class (about a week later) I had already finished knitting the scarf (it was still on the needles). All I had to still learn was how to cast off and add fringe. I had even added little flowers here and there with my flower loom (mostly to cover up a lot of drop stitches lol).  By the end of the second class I had completely finished the first thing I had ever needle knitted.
(here is the scarf I knitted and the pattern):

Most kids learn how to knit by their grandmas or other family members, but nobody in my family knew how to knit (they still don't).  All I had was two lessons with Amy who taught me the basics and youtube.  Other than that, I was self taught.
Ture story.
(That was a pretty good story huh?)



  1. Your creations are beautiful! Congratulations on starting your first blog and good luck!

    1. Thank you for your comment, it was nice of you to say that.
