Tuesday, December 27, 2016


My 2nd art journal page is called Paris is Always a Good Idea. I made it on 8-26-16 and I got the idea from YouTube:
 These are the supplies I used:

First I stuck down Tim Holtz tissue paper with gel medium. Next I painted the pages orange and I used a darker gelato called Iced Coffee around the edges of the page. Then I printed an Eiffel Tower and a passport, a ticket, and a Paris stamp off the computer. Then I used gel medium and stuck them on the page. Next I used Tim Holtz wildflower stencil and some black paint on the bottom of the pages. Then I used Whipped Spackle and Tim Holtz Bubble stencil here and there on the page. Then I stamped the quote ''Paris is Always a Good Idea''.  Last, on the top right page I wrote Travel, Capture, and Discover. 
Take a closer look (you can click the pictures to see the dimension better):

I really like Paris things.  My room is Paris themed.  My mom got a really nice Paris bedding set at Walmart.com that I love.  
This is what it looks like:

(the curtain is actually a fabric shower curtain)

I hope you like my art journal page......I have more to show you soon!

Sunday, December 11, 2016


The Wild Robot
By Peter Brown
My Rating: ★★★★★ 

I really liked this book. It's about a robot names Roz (her real name is Rozzum Unit 7134). She washed up an island and the animals don't like her. But after awhile they become friends with her. This took awhile......she observed them, learned their language, and tried to help them.
Roz adopts a gosling that she names Bright Bill. 
A beaver named Mr. Beaver builds Roz and Bright Bill a home they call The Nest. When winter comes, and Bright Bill heads south with the other geese, Roz turns herself off. When she wakes up it's the middle of winter and she sees that a lot of animals are struggling, so she builds lodges around the island and shows them how to make fire. 
Finally spring comes and if you want to know what happens next (there's a lot of things that happen), then I guess you'll have to read the book. I think boys and girls, maybe ages 8 - 13, will like this book.  THE END.

Saturday, December 3, 2016


One day (after about 6 months of needle knitting) me and my mom went to a Knitting Extravaganza.  It was all day long and we had to listen to speakers talk about how wool is made and other stuff. But then we got to go shopping and the very first booth we went to we saw a knitted fairy sitting on the table. It was so cooool!! We picked it up and examined it carefully. We saw that there were only TWO books on how to make these knitted fairy's, and one lady already took one of the books but we got the last one!! It's called Knitted Fairies to Cherish and Charm by Fiona McDonald.  It has 10 knitted fairies in it.
(here it is):

When we got home I got started right away 
but it took me 3 tries because I didn't have the right size knitting needles.  I didn't think it mattered, but apparently it did because the first time it turned out too small and the second time it turned out too big. I was determined to not give up, and the third time it turned out perfect!! Once I finally got it right it took me two weeks to make the fairy.
Here is the first two tries and the finished fairy (this fairy is called The Rainbow Dream Fairy):

The hardest part was probably the needle sculpting of the face.  I think it turned out pretty good.  If you like knitting, I think you'll like this book.  It takes a lot of time to make, but it's so awesome when you're done.  I hope to make more of the fairies when I have time.  I liked the book so much that we got several other books by Fiona McDonald.  One of them is Babes in the Wool:

  Instead of fairies they are girls, and they are a lot bigger.  The body, without the legs, is almost the same height of the entire fairy.  I've started knitting the girl named Willow.  It's taking me A LOT of time.  I'll do another blog post about her once I'm finished.  


Sunday, November 27, 2016


The Green Ember
by S.D. Smith
My Rating: ★★★★★
(5 out of 5 stars.......that's pretty good!)

I love to read.
I have a lot of books and I do a lot of reading. I read books for fun and for the BookShark Reading with History program I am doing for school (I do school at home through a homebased public school program). By the way, most of the BookShark books are really good too (not necessarily aaall of them though).

Ok, now getting back to The Green Ember,
I read The Green Ember for fun (not for history). 

Welllllll that might be a little overly dramatic, buut
this book IS action packed, full of adventure, and you never know what's going to happen next!!

I loved it! It's about two rabbits named Picket and Heather and they are brother and sister.
Their family gets taken by wolves but they get saved by their uncle Wilfred and Cousin Smalls.
Then they get sent down the river to Cloud Mountain where they learn things about their family and king Jupiter. They also meet their new friend Emma. 
One of my favorite quotes from this book is "My place beside you. My blood for yours. 
Till the Green Ember rises, or the end of the world."

And what is the Green Ember you ask? Well you're gonna have to read it to find out!
(p.s. a LOT more stuff happens!!)
This book is the best book I have ever read (my mom said "so far" but I said, "No, nothing is ever going to top this book"). It's is my most prized possession (aside from my gigantic bear, my sewing machine, and my keyboard).

I recommend this book for people 10 to 100 (or for people who love great books).
This isn't just a book for kids (FYI there is a little violence, such as some sword fighting and some mean wolves).
 Even adults have enjoyed this book. The lady in charge of the school program I'm in recommended it to me, and she's in her 40's and she really liked it and...... I think you would too. (p.s. There are two more books in the Green Ember series that I can't wait to read!).


Saturday, November 26, 2016


Remember theeeeeeese......
My mom calls it every mothers nightmare!!
Remember when the Rainbow Loom was popular?
It's that loom that you put little colored rubber bands on and you make bracelets. What does this have to do with how I learned to knit you ask?
Well I'll tell you. Sit back and relax with your hot chocolate because it's time for a story!!!!

Once upon a time my mom got me a Rainbow Loom, a bunch of little rubber bands to go with it, and a case to put it all in.
(Here it is):
I would make bracelets every day.  I must of made about a 100. One time I even made a unicorn!! 
And then one day when I was looking for new bracelet ideas on my favorite website loomlove.com I stumbled upon a video about how to knit baby hats on a round loom. I had never heard of or seen a round loom before and I thought it looked really fun. So my mom did some research and liked it, so she bought me a round loom set and some yarn at Michaels.
I couldn't wait for the package to arrive.
And then one day it finally came!!! And I was sooooooo exited and I opened the box and got to work on my first hat.
(Here is my hat and looms):

So after a few months of knitting on my round loom my mom signed me up for a community ed class called Beginning Knitting.  It was with needles!!!
I didn't want to go. Why do I need to learn how to needle knit? Needle knitting looks hard. I'm not gonna like it. All these things I said to myself, but it didn't change the fact that I had to go (my mom wouldn't take no for an answer!).
And I'm glad I did go!!!!

When we got there I noticed I was the only kid there. It was just me, my mom (my mom wasn't learning how to knit because she had a broken arm), three other ladies and my knitting teacher.
We had to knit a scarf.  My teacher Amy taught me how to cast on, knit, and purl (on night 1)
and I started needle knitting my first scarf!
It was surprisingly easy and a lot of fun!!
After we went home and Amy gave us all a pattern (or a recipe as my mom calls it) on how to knit a beginners scarf.  I remember that it took me many hours that week to knit that scarf.  I would knit and knit and knit and then measure it, and it never seemed to grow!  But I didn't give up.  I followed the pattern and by the time we had to go to the next class (about a week later) I had already finished knitting the scarf (it was still on the needles). All I had to still learn was how to cast off and add fringe. I had even added little flowers here and there with my flower loom (mostly to cover up a lot of drop stitches lol).  By the end of the second class I had completely finished the first thing I had ever needle knitted.
(here is the scarf I knitted and the pattern):

Most kids learn how to knit by their grandmas or other family members, but nobody in my family knew how to knit (they still don't).  All I had was two lessons with Amy who taught me the basics and youtube.  Other than that, I was self taught.
Ture story.
(That was a pretty good story huh?)


Friday, November 25, 2016


These are my Tim Holtz layering stencils
that I got from Ebay.

So far I have 21 and they are in order...
Eye chart,
Holiday knit,
Dot fade,
Shatter or Cobweb,
and Gothic

Tim Holtz layering stencils are thinner and more intricately cut than most stencils.
The layering means you can use more than one stencil on top of each other. 
For an example......you could use paint or ink with the woodgrain stencil and then use some whipped spackle over part of the splatters stencil, that you layer on top of a section of the woodgrain.  It will look like something spilled on a wood table.

Because these are so fragile, you need to be very careful and dab or blot the ink, paint, or whatever media you are using.

I use these stencils on almost every art journal page I make.  My most common one right now is dot fade.  Depending on what art media you use, these stencils can give your pages texture, demension, and interest.


Thursday, November 24, 2016

ART JOURNAL PAGE #1 Music Is What Feelings Sound Like

This is my art journal.  It's a red hardcover Moleskine sketchbook that I got from Amazon for $18.83.  So far I have done 14 art journal pages and I plan on making blog posts about them all.
A lot of art journal page ideas I got from Vicky Papaioannou from youtube.com.  Later on in my art journal I started thinking of my own ideas.

This is my first art journal page that I made on 8/25/16 and I got the idea from Vicky Papaioannou.
The two pages you see are really four pages.  The 1st and 4th pages I made piano keys along the edge (both hand drawn and with cut paper).  These are glued to the backs of pages 2 and 3 that have a ripped upper and lower edge (but I didn't glue them down until the end, you'll see why).  
I ripped about half an inch on the top and bottom of pages 2 and 3 and then I used gel medium to glue down pieces of Tim Holtz tissue paper here and there (the tissue paper has small music notes on it.  The paper is called Melange). Then I used a blue gelato to color the background and yellow green and brown gelatos to darken the edges to make it look old and worn.
I used whipped Spackle and Tim Holtz dot fade layering stencil to add some interest and depth to the page (that's the little white dots that stick out like 3D). I cut out pieces of paper to make a guitar and I painted the neck and body brown and the hole and the bridge black.  I had to cut the top and bottom of the guitar to fit the page.  After glueing the guitar down, I pocked holes through the bridge (through the guitar and page 2) and I cut slits at the top.  I threaded white thread through the holes and in the slots and I just taped the strings to the back of page 2.
Then I used gel medium to glue page 1 to the back of page 2 and page 4 to the back of page 3.  I added the quote which is "Music is What Feelings Sound Like".  Then I added white highlights and the date.  You can go to Vicky Papaioannou's YouTube channel to see the tutorial. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Our first photo shoot with a few of the girls modeling some of the hand knit sets I made.  Click the pictures to see up close.  

Our first stop was Crex Meadows.
Here's Olivia wearing a hat, scarf, and mittens set I knitted.  A heart button adds a nice touch.  
This set is knit and purl:

Buttercup came along too:

 Next is Ella Grace wearing a two color choice (striped) knit hat, scarf, and mitten set.  This hat has a pom-pom.  The two color choice is a good one if you want to choose team colors for your favorite sports team (I'll knit some of those soon and post pictures of them):

Ella Grace admiring the view:

Kiana was kickin' back enjoying the lake.  
Here she is in a hat and poncho set that's knit from ombre yarn.  
She's borrowing Holly's boots, by the way:  

This hat has a flower that I made on my flower loom:

All Three girls really enjoyed the view at Crex Meadows:

Kiana was getting tired, so we thought we'd better head to the park before it got too late:

As soon as we got to the park, we saw this buck come out from behind the swings:

Olivia made sure the coast was clear......

......and then she headed straight for the monkey bars:

But Ella Grace wanted to swing:

There was a lot of climbing around:

And then we headed for the woods:

A fun day was soon over and we headed home:

Olivia, Ella Grace, and Kiana are just 3 of the 16 Our Generation Dolls I have.  I'll do a blog post about all of them soon and introduce you to the rest of them.

If you are interested in having me knit you a hat, scarf, and mittens......or a hat and poncho......please contact my mom by e-mail.  These will fit any 18" doll, such as Our Generation, My Life, and American Girl.

  Here is a picture of the order form we use.  It will give you an idea of what choices there are: